
ARI-DX 2024 declared score

ARI-DX 2024 declared score has been published on the page dedicate to ARI International Dx Contest of the the ARI web site. My call sign I3FDZ is listed first on the category Single Operator Low Power CW. I didn’ expect this position owing a difficults during the contest time, but probably also ather stations found same problems like me during the contest. See my previous post.

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Comments ARI DX 2024

The ARI DX 2024 finished ten days ago. I’m not satisfied about my performance even if I had the same effort as last year. The score dropped 10% with 9% of multiples and 10% qso less than last year. The propagation wasn’t good. The 10 and 15 metres were quite close despite sun spots were more than 100, but, may be, the solar storm happened the days after the contest began to make itself felt. so now read my Comments ARI DX 2024.

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Italian Prefixes ARI Dx

A little bit more than one month to ARI International Dx Contest 2024 that will take place saturday 4 and sunday 5 may 2024, it starts saturday at 12:00 UTC and end sunday at 11:59 UTC. To facilitate foreing radioamateur in checking the correct exchange received, I prepared a tables with the list, in alphabetic order, of all italian prefixes for each provinces Italian Prefixes ARI Dx. In the first collumn there is the province abbreviation, in the secon the province name, on the third the standard prefixes, in the fourth the special prefixes and in fifth the Minor Ittalian Islands prefixes.

The first part of the list follows

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ARI Dx Awards 2023

During the CTU (Contest University) Italy that tooke place, together with the radioamateur flea market, in Montichiari (BS) the 9th of march 2024, were delivered the ARI Dx Awards 2023. The next cerimony photo shown the italial Contest manager Filippo Vairo/IZ1LBG, on the left, who gives me the plate. The photo has taken by Italo Crivellotto/IK3UMZ.

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ARI Dx 2024 rules

The ARI dx 2024 rules has been pubblished on the ARI (Associazione Radioamatori Italiani) web site. No new changement for the 2024 edition respect last year. This is the link to download the whole rules file in .pdf format.

Save the date and join the ARI Dx 2024 rules, you are welcome.

73 and I see you later de Fiorino/i3fdz

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ARI Dx International 2024

The ARI Dx International 2024 is coming. It will take place the first weekend of may of each years, in 2024 saturday 4 and sunday 5. It’s organized by the Associazione Radioamatori Italiani ARI. The ARI HF Contest Manager is Filippo Vairo/IZ!LBG.

Here is the link to download the .pdf file of the full rules, unchanged this year. Instead clicking this link you will reach a my previous article with list of italian provinces, their prefixes and provinces abbreviations sended by italian station as 599TV will be my exchange report in the contest.

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TX5S Clipperton 2024

The first 2024 qso with my home call I3FDZ, has been performed with TX5S Clipperton 2024. It happened in the morning of january 22. At 09:15 UTC I turned on the radio on the 14.023 kHz, where TX5S was reported. The CW signal from Clipperton Island arrived quite strong, 579 589 from the short path, direction 300°, instead the signal from long path arrives quite low with fading. I tuned my radio on 14.026, and 500 Watt, 3 kHz up but I didn’t get answer, then on 5 kHz up the same, so i tuned 7 kHz up on 14.030 kHz and I got the qso just after three calls at 09:43 UTC.

The Club Log shoot

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ARI Dx 2024

The ARI Dx 2024 organised by ARI, Associazione Radioamatori Italiani, will take place the first weekend of may. This year it will happens saturday 4 and sunday 5 of may. The ARI Dx 2024 is a world wide type but qso with italian stations scores ten points instead of one and each italian province count for an multiplier together with DXCC countries.

The last year almost all italian provinces had participates with more than 300 italian stations on the hf bands. Italian radio amateur are waiting you. in the mean time i suggest you an link to reach the 2023 results.

Please save the date and join our contest.

I’ll Publish the next post about ARI Dx 2024, when the Contest Manager  Filippo Vairo, IZ1LBG will publish the rules in ARI web site, in order to see if there is any changement.

Many 73 to all readers de Fiorino/I3fdz

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Season’s Greetings 2023/24

Merry Christmas and happy New Year to all my readers de Fiorino/i3fdz

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CQ WW CW 2023

The CQ WW CW 2023, the most important contest of the year is goes. The log is already sent to the committee. It has been an exciting contest indeed. I operated for eight hours in the Single Operator Single Band, 10 meters, High Power, cattegorie. I concacted 98 countries, 31 zones with 261 qso.The propagation was excellent, all six continents was on the air and contacted.

The statistics and summary will follows. I used the logger QARest.

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