The ARI Dx International 2024 is coming. It will take place the first weekend of may of each years, in 2024 saturday 4 and sunday 5. It’s organized by the Associazione Radioamatori Italiani ARI. The ARI HF Contest Manager is Filippo Vairo/IZ!LBG.

Here is the link to download the .pdf file of the full rules, unchanged this year. Instead clicking this link you will reach a my previous article with list of italian provinces, their prefixes and provinces abbreviations sended by italian station as 599TV will be my exchange report in the contest.
Other than the standard prefixes, italian stations may use special prefixes issued by the Italian Ministery of Telecomunications MIMIT for contest and other special events. They are IB1/9, II1/0, IO1/0, IP2/0 and IR1/0, infact my special contest call is IR3L. Another special prefix that you can found in the contests is IY1/0 dedicated to Guglielmo Marconi special events, from sites where the italian scientist performed radio experiments. But there are other italian prefixes assigned to small islands, other than the two major island Sicily IT9 and Saardinia IS0, they are: IA5, IB0, IC8, ID9, IE9, IF9, IG9, IH9, IJ7, IL7, IM0 and IP1.
I remember you the major focus. It is world wide type but italian stations count ten points score per qso and one multiplier for each province. Duration 24 hours, from 12:00 UTC of saturday to 11:59 UTC of sunday. Modes of operations CW, SSB and RTTY. Categories: single operator high and low power on whole modes, mixed all bands, multi operators single transmitterand and multi transmitters, SWL. There is’t the single band categorie.
Well I hope this article be useful to you to get the italian prefix system and perform good in the contest.
More informations about ARI Dx International 2024 will pubblished soon. But if you need more informations now, please write me using the form at the end of this article or via email that you can found on digiting my call on the window Enter Query.
Regards to all readers 73 de Fiorino/I3FDZ/IR3L