The CQ WW CW 2023, the most important contest of the year is goes. The log is already sent to the committee. It has been an exciting contest indeed. I operated for eight hours in the Single Operator Single Band, 10 meters, High Power, cattegorie. I concacted 98 countries, 31 zones with 261 qso.The propagation was excellent, all six continents was on the air and contacted.
The statistics and summary will follows. I used the logger QARest.

The ionospheric propagation reached almost the maximum of reflection by the F layers of solar cycle 25, this favored CQ WW CW 2023 a lot. The north american stations arrived very strong, RST 599+20dB on saturday and sunday afternoon. I used 500 Watt and my two elements cubical quad antenna about 15 metres high.
And now the statitistic and summary sheets and multilpliers tables elaborated by the logger QAETest.
The statistics
More statistics
The time rate
European multipliers
Asian multiliers
African multipliers
Oceanian multipliers
North american multipliers
South american multipliers
The next CW contest organized by the american magazine CQ amateur radio will take place in gennuary 2024 in the weekend from 26 to 28. This the link with the rules. If you have more enquire or curiosities regarding my setup or other, please leave a message using the form at the end of this article.
I wish you Merry Cristmas and Happy New Year.
Regards de Fiorino/i3fdz