The ARI Dx 2024 organised by ARI, Associazione Radioamatori Italiani, will take place the first weekend of may. This year it will happens saturday 4 and sunday 5 of may. The ARI Dx 2024 is a world wide type but qso with italian stations scores ten points instead of one and each italian province count for an multiplier together with DXCC countries.
The last year almost all italian provinces had participates with more than 300 italian stations on the hf bands. Italian radio amateur are waiting you. in the mean time i suggest you an link to reach the 2023 results.
Please save the date and join our contest.
I’ll Publish the next post about ARI Dx 2024, when the Contest Manager Filippo Vairo, IZ1LBG will publish the rules in ARI web site, in order to see if there is any changement.
Many 73 to all readers de Fiorino/I3fdz