Author Archives: Fiorino


ARI DX 2024 Results

Ari Dx 2024 results. The final results has been pubblished by the italian Contest Manager Filippo Vairo IZ1LBG on the ARI web site and on the ARI magazine “Radio Rivista” of october 2024. With my great pleasume I found myself the winner on the categorie Single Operator CW LP. The seventh time winner in this categorie: 1986, 1992, 2017, 2018, 2019, 2023 and 2024. On the years 1986 and 1992 there wasn’t the separation between LP an HP. But my most important victory was last year 2023 wich I got the category record still in force.

Now I publish the table of Dx Records on each category downloaded from the site ARI at this link included all dx results also by countries with the contest statistics in .pdf format.

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Two elements cubic quad

My antenna two elements cubic quad has been repaired. Yesterday afternoon a lorry with a moveable crane able to reach and woks at 15 metres high, arrived in my garden and the specialized worker in three hours repaired it. The antenna is came back as new. Here is a few photo about the work.

The work has been facilitated by turning the antenna so that the crane didn’t to move a lot to reach all point of the antenna. Now i have to check my two elements cubic quad with the dxpedition in St Paul Island CY9C.

If you need more informations, please write me using the form at the end of this article or via email that you can found on digiting my call on the window Enter Query.

Many regards de Fiorino/i3fdz

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N5J Jarvis Island DXpedition

Jarvis Island is part of Palmira Islands goup, is located in the south Pacific Ocean a few degres south of equator line and around the Dateline meridian. The distance from Italy is about 15000 km. It is a United States possession, the island is uninhabited and his surface is 4,5 square km. The N5J Jarvis Island DXpedition has been organized by an american group of radioamateur, the Dateline DX Association to activate the island on the radioamateurs bands.

The particularity of the N5J Jarvis Island Dxpedition is that just five radioamateur gained the island to instal the radio stations the antennas and provide the logistics quarters, two more teams, instead, operated the radio stations from remote site in the CW and FT8 modes.

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This year I participated to the Waedc Cw 2024 with a light commit. A severe thunderstorm occured during the tuesday afternoon before the contest weekend, damaged the cubical quad antenna. Before the contest, I tried to reparir it but the automatic tuner of the TS850S wasn’t able to tune it in none band. Im still waiting a crane for reach all parts of antenna loops.

My two elements cubical quad before the thunderstorm.

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ARI-DX 2024 declared score

ARI-DX 2024 declared score has been published on the page dedicate to ARI International Dx Contest of the the ARI web site. My call sign I3FDZ is listed first on the category Single Operator Low Power CW. I didn’ expect this position owing a difficults during the contest time, but probably also ather stations found same problems like me during the contest. See my previous post.

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Comments ARI DX 2024

The ARI DX 2024 finished ten days ago. I’m not satisfied about my performance even if I had the same effort as last year. The score dropped 10% with 9% of multiples and 10% qso less than last year. The propagation wasn’t good. The 10 and 15 metres were quite close despite sun spots were more than 100, but, may be, the solar storm happened the days after the contest began to make itself felt. so now read my Comments ARI DX 2024.

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Italian Prefixes ARI Dx

A little bit more than one month to ARI International Dx Contest 2024 that will take place saturday 4 and sunday 5 may 2024, it starts saturday at 12:00 UTC and end sunday at 11:59 UTC. To facilitate foreing radioamateur in checking the correct exchange received, I prepared a tables with the list, in alphabetic order, of all italian prefixes for each provinces Italian Prefixes ARI Dx. In the first collumn there is the province abbreviation, in the secon the province name, on the third the standard prefixes, in the fourth the special prefixes and in fifth the Minor Ittalian Islands prefixes.

The first part of the list follows

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ARI Dx Awards 2023

During the CTU (Contest University) Italy that tooke place, together with the radioamateur flea market, in Montichiari (BS) the 9th of march 2024, were delivered the ARI Dx Awards 2023. The next cerimony photo shown the italial Contest manager Filippo Vairo/IZ1LBG, on the left, who gives me the plate. The photo has taken by Italo Crivellotto/IK3UMZ.

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ARI Dx 2024 rules

The ARI dx 2024 rules has been pubblished on the ARI (Associazione Radioamatori Italiani) web site. No new changement for the 2024 edition respect last year. This is the link to download the whole rules file in .pdf format.

Save the date and join the ARI Dx 2024 rules, you are welcome.

73 and I see you later de Fiorino/i3fdz

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ARI Dx International 2024

The ARI Dx International 2024 is coming. It will take place the first weekend of may of each years, in 2024 saturday 4 and sunday 5. It’s organized by the Associazione Radioamatori Italiani ARI. The ARI HF Contest Manager is Filippo Vairo/IZ!LBG.

Here is the link to download the .pdf file of the full rules, unchanged this year. Instead clicking this link you will reach a my previous article with list of italian provinces, their prefixes and provinces abbreviations sended by italian station as 599TV will be my exchange report in the contest.

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