Author Archives: Fiorino


WAE CW 2023 results

This year Peter John DL7YS, WAEDC contest manager, pubblished rushly the WAE CW 2023 results in the DARC web site. I’m happy because I succeeded to comfirm the ninth place in my cattegory reacing the objective to to get the top ten area.

I show you the top ten of Single Operator Europe Low Power

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ARI Dx 2023 results

The ARI Dx 2023 results have now been published by Filippo Vairo, IZ1LBG ARI HF Contest Manager on the ARI web site. This year the number of Dx stations increased more than hundred for a total of 1195 foreing partecipants. Our contest is appreciated and increaslingly year by year

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WAECW 2023 raw scores

Peter John DL7YS, WAEDC manager, just published yesterday, for the DARC the WAECW 2023 raw scores.

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WAE CW 2023 Comments

The WAE CW 2023 contest is just finished. I have already send the log to DARC. This the link to the logs arrived.

First I insert the qso per hour rategraph.

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WAE CW contest 2023

About one week to WAE CW contest 2023. It will take place the 12 and 13 august. Save the date and prepare your setup.

The WAE CW contest 2023 is organized by the german radioamateur association DARC. There is a round for CW only taking place the second weekend complete of august, there is a round for SSB only taking place the second weekend complete on september and there is a round for RTTY only taking place the second weekend complete of october of each year. In this contest are allowed qso between european stations and non european stations only, there are also two differents classific for european and non europena stations. In this contest, the unique on the world, where the non european stations will send back to eupean stations packets with informations datas regardin previous qso with europen stations. Such packet are called qtc.

For complete contest rules included the qtc messages, please follows this link on the DARC web site.

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ARI Dx contest 2023 claimed scores

The ARI Dx contest 2023 claimed scores has been just published on its web site.This is the link to reach them. Dx stations claimed scores follows the italians one on the list, cattegory by cattegory. As usually, the ARI international Dx contest committee, shown it quickly.

More than 1400 stations sent their logs to the committee a sign that our HF contest performed better than last year.

I’m particularly satisfied because my call is first on my category, Single Operator CW Low Power. I hope to keep such position on the final results too.

The next post, with comments, about ARI Dx contest, after the publication of final results. I hope early.

73 a lot to all, de I3FDZ

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Electronic FT101E vintage tranceiver update



ft 101 e 1

Part one.

It was the workhorse of the Yaesu from 1970, year of start of production to the 80s. It seems to be the apparatus, in the various versions, more produced by Yaesu. I bought it in a duty free shop of Panama, Canal Zone, in 1974, in that time I was working, in those places. I paid it 500 US $ and the serial number is 5L 310554. More historic info about Yaesu FT101E in this link.

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Electronic FT101E vintage tranceiver update



ft 101 e 1

It is assumed that the radio is in good condition and works perfectly, at least in reception mode, otherwise the installation of the filter does not make sense.

For this installation I helped myself, following the advice, of the instruction manual of the Yaesu FT101E which is available for reading and download here.

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ARI Dx 2023 comments

The ARI Dx 2023 has gone. Good propagation despite less than expected. Five days from the contest end to send the cabrillo file to the committee through the banner in right side up of the ARI home page web site. At this moment 1338 logs have already arrived to the commiitee, more than last year at three days to to the expiry date.

This post of ARI Dx 2023 comments, start with the time graph diagram

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ARI Dx Contest 2023

Ten days to ARI Dx Contest. A lot of italian stations, more than 500 on 2020 and about 300 last year, on all modes, CW SSB and RTTY, on all bands 80, 40, 20, 15 and 10 metres, will be actives during the contest, are waiting you. There are categories for low and high power and for single and multi operators.

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