
WAE CW 2023 Comments

The WAE CW 2023 contest is just finished. I have already send the log to DARC. This the link to the logs arrived.

First I insert the qso per hour rategraph.

The WAE CW 2023 it was a nice contest, hard and tiring but very beautiful indeed. I operated for 32 hours on 48, available. I scored 690 qso and i received 1390 qtc. Now the the log is into the robot to ckeck all qso on the logs and to issue the final results. The next step of the committee is the pubblishing the declared score in order to get a idea to how we performed in the contest. I hope to remaining inside the top ten classific as the last year I lye in the seventh place, accordinly with this year results quite similar to last year.

The ionospheric propagation has been eccellent with a lot of opening toward north and south America on 10 metres too. This fact moved most of radio traffic toward the high bands limiting the radio traffic on low bands even if on these bands the multipliers give more points. This is why this year i got less multipliers respect last year. Also because on the low bands, in my area, there was a lot of atmospheric noise expecially on sunday evening. But in return i got more qtc than last year.

My working conditions are as I described in a previous article reaching clicking in this link.

Now I publish the summary, statistics and multipliers generated by my contest logger QARTest owned by IK3QAR.

Here is the table of call areas multipliers

And now the multipliers by countries per continents

It was a very challenging contest both physically and mentally especially for receive the qct packets from Dx stations that give me many more points.

We look forward the declared scores arriving after the end of week allowed for upload the logs, and then the final results usually just before Christmas.

For both publications I’ll write an article with more comments. For more information please use the form at the end of this article.

I see you soon 73 de Fiorino/i3fdz

  • Nicola
    2023-08-18T08:27:24+01:000000002431202308 at 2023-08-18T08:27:24+01:000000002431202308


    • Fiorino
      2023-08-19T22:56:50+01:000000005031202308 at 2023-08-19T22:56:50+01:000000005031202308

      Tks ciao de i3fdz

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