
WAE CW contest 2023

About one week to WAE CW contest 2023. It will take place the 12 and 13 august. Save the date and prepare your setup.

The WAE CW contest 2023 is organized by the german radioamateur association DARC. There is a round for CW only taking place the second weekend complete of august, there is a round for SSB only taking place the second weekend complete on september and there is a round for RTTY only taking place the second weekend complete of october of each year. In this contest are allowed qso between european stations and non european stations only, there are also two differents classific for european and non europena stations. In this contest, the unique on the world, where the non european stations will send back to eupean stations packets with informations datas regardin previous qso with europen stations. Such packet are called qtc.

For complete contest rules included the qtc messages, please follows this link on the DARC web site.

This year the WAE CW contest 2023 start at 00:00 UTC of saturday 12 and finish at 23:59 UTC of sunday 13 of august. I’ll participate in the Single Operator Low Power category with the call I3FDZ.

Last year I arrived seventh european and first in Italy, of course. This year I’ll try to improve my performance, however, i hope to arrive at least on the top ten positions. This is the link with the comments to final results and this one is the link with the comments to the radio traffic during the 2022 contest. The last year i participated with my special contest call IR3L.

My setup is the usual one. 100 watt to a multidipole inverted V 13 metrers high for 80 and 40 metres bands and two elements cubic quad for 20, 15 and 10 metres bands about 15 metres high. So please answer to my cq even if my signal is low for qso and give me as much qtc as possible. I will appreciate very much. Remember this year my call sign is I3FDZ.

Tks for reading and i see you in the contest

73 de Fiorino/I3FDZ

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